Miguel Camacho '15

Preparing for the Future
The fact that the University of Illinois’ Psychology program is ranked in the top 20 in America and that the University is in-state made it an easy choice for Brother Miguel Camacho. Attending from 2011 until his graduation in 2015, Miguel pledged during the Spring Semester of 2012 after hearing about Alpha Delts from his Freshman year roommate, Chase Reed.
Miguel currently lives in Little Village in Chicago and serves as a Project Assistant at the Behavioral Insights in Parenting lab in coordination with the University of Chicago. His ultimate goal is to attain his MS in Behavioral Health in order to become the Research Coordinator at the BIP.
Brother Camacho remembers the overall feeling around the House and campus during his tenure there as vibrant socially, with the guys focused on their classes...until the weekend. Miguel enjoyed the Mud Olympics where our Fraternity men were “sponsored” by the women from Alpha Delta Pi and socialized with them before getting filthy in the name of fun. One of his favorite memories was just staying up all night studying down in the Moose Room with other brothers, writing papers and preparing for exams.
In his free time away from the lab, Miguel is an amateur ichthyologist and enjoys breeding new lines of guppies. His ten fish tanks at home attest to his progress. He would love to get involved in our future and be part of the ongoing network and structures that made Alpha Delts more than just our House. Miguel, like many of us, is sad that we lost our old home, but is hoping for and more than willing to be a part of the best our future has to offer.
(From Winter 2020 Newsletter)